CTST 자격증 준비를 위한 자료

[CTST 시험 요점정리] 5. IVUS 정리

별이온다 2021. 11. 2. 16:26

[CTST 시험 요점정리] 5. IVUS 정리

1. 이미지 기초

- 동맥 해부 (artery anatomy)

- Adventitia : 외막 

- Media : 중막

- Intima : 내막



Recent Advances in Transducers for Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Imaging
IVUS Image Segmentation Using Superpixel-Wise Fuzzy Clustering and Level Set Evolution (Figure 1.  The example intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image ( left ), and the same image with intravascular structures and artifacts labeled ( right ).)


이미지 출처 : Intravascular Ultrasound, Yasuhiro Honda,  Peter J. Fitzgerald,  Paul Yock / https://thoracickey.com/intravascular-ultrasound-2/


2. IVUS - Plaque(죽상경화판)


- Fibrofatty(섬유성 지방) : adventitia보다 음영이 dark하다

- Fibrous(섬유성) : adventitia보다 음영이 white하다

- Calcified(칼슘성) : 전반사로 인하여 강한 white 음영과 함께 그뒤로 후방음영이 감소(acoustic shadowing)가 있음


Characteristics of plaque disruption by intravascularultrasound in women presenting with myocardialinfarction without obstructive coronary artery disease


3. IVUS - Dissection

- (iatrogenic)Dissection :

시술 후(After intervention) 혈관의 구조물이 찌정져 균열이나 분리현상이 보이는 것

 (Catheter, wire, balloon, stent 등에 의한 injury에 의한 complication)

- Spontaneous dissection : 

어떠한 중재 시술을 받지 않은 환자가 angio나 IVUS 상에 dissection소견이 확인 되는 것



Rjasekhar Varada, Intravascular Ultrasound, Indian Journal of Cardiovascular Disease in Women WINCARS Vol. 4 No. 4/2019









- Sohah N.IqbalMD, FrederickFeitMD, Characteristics of plaque disruption by intravascularultrasound in women presenting with myocardialinfarction without obstructive coronary artery disease, American Heart Journal, Volume 167, Issue 5May 2014, Pages 715-722 

- IVUS Image Segmentation Using Superpixel-Wise Fuzzy Clustering and Level Set Evolution (Figure 1.  The example intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image ( left ), and the same image with intravascular structures and artifacts labeled ( right).

- Recent Advances in Transducers for Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Imaging

- Rjasekhar Varada, Intravascular Ultrasound, Indian Journal of Cardiovascular Disease in Women WINCARS Vol. 4 No. 4/2019



대한심혈관 중재학회(2019)KCTA 심혈관 중재시술 매뉴얼, 우리의학서적




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